Colorado Desert sunset, California / by Liesl Pfeffer

Sunset, Colorado Desert, California
November 2015

Me in the backseat of the car, a passenger whilst we were driving through the desert highway at dusk: "we should stop soon"... "we should stop and see the sunset"... "it looks like its really beautiful and I want to take photos" ..."I'm just going to put my window down and take some photos" ..."oh boy its beautiful we should pull over if you see a turn off" ...."i really think we should stop". Poor Dan. Like driving all day wasn't enough, he had this whiny photographer in the backseat and Joy in the front seat desperately needing us to get to the first town so she could have a rest room stop. Eventually I got my way and we stopped and I got a couple of photos that do the pink desert light pretty much no justice at all, like most photos of sunsets.